Monday, December 13, 2010

Road Trip Nation

I chose Kevin Carroll for my interview and he talks about dreams. He was the head trainer for the 76ers and now is the Katalyst for Nike. He says that “you have to put your dream out on the street” and “see it in motion”. So you just got to go after what you want and desire. Don’t be like all your other friends and think like they do since it’s really easily to fall into that, especially in college. Also don’t let people get you down.

I learned that you have to go after your dreams and find your joy. Once you find your joy, you will find your career and dream job along the way. I don’t really know what I want to be yet but I just have to find what I like doing and then everything else will fall into place. There’s no point in doing something you hate because you will be miserable.

What I’m going to do is find what I want and go after it. If I don’t let people influence me and just follow what everyone does then I will find my own path. I have to work hard and just live life the way I want to because you only get one life so you might as well enjoy it.

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