Tuesday, December 14, 2010


"Electrical engineers design, and evaluate the manufacture, testing, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical and electronic components, equipment and systems. They plan and supervise their development and construction. These Engineers usually specialize in one particular area. They also work with power and light systems equipment and machinery, with electric motors and generators, converters and rectifiers, transformers, relays, switches, welding equipment, electrical appliances, and power generation or distribution. In addition they may design, construct, and assist in operating facilities for generating and distributing electrical power for domestic, commercial and industrial consumption (Eureka)". The expected growth rate is below average but it's still not that bad considering that 570 jobs openings are expected in California alone. Even the low pay which is $6,202 is making $38 an hour working 40 hours a week which is really good, with the more experience you get the more money you earn. The average monthly pay is $8,177 and they max out at an outstanding $9,830!


So far I'm taking classes at Mission College and West Valley College and I planned on only staying 2 years before transferring to a 4 year college but now I'm going to have to take another year at community college since working full time and being a full time student doesn't really work out that well. I'm going to take as many classes as I can before moving on so that way I can take advantage of the extra year that I'm staying at Mission College. So by the fall after the next I'll be attending a four year college, either San Jose State or San Francisco State and complete my degree on engineering.

Electrical engineers are the ones that make our lives easier. Where would we be without electricity? We wouldn't be able to turn on a light bulb or listen to our iPod's which most of us can't live without. Electricity has become a necessity to our lives and they are the ones that keep it that way.

Interview Strategy

What would you do to prepare for the interview? How would you answer the following interview questions: 1) Name your three biggest strengths and weaknesses 2) We have 24 candidates, why should we choose you?

I know that for an interview first impressions are everything. You need to look like a business person, clean shave, nice shirt and no jeans or sneakers. Make sure you make eye contact and have a firm handshake, let the person know that you are not some run of the mill. Also make sure that you are prepared beforehand and try to anticipate the questions beforehand so you won't get caught stuck on one.

My 3 strengths are that I'm confident, always put out 100%, and have a really optimistic attitude.
My 3 weaknesses is that I don't like dealing with rude people, am impatient at times, and can be cocky.

I always do my best, I believe that having pride in oneself is one of the most important things. Taking pride in always doing a good job and never doing things half-hearted. I also have a really good attitude and tend to look at the cup as half full.

Academic & Career Goals

Right now I'm just trying to get my g.e. and transfer to a four-year college like San Jose State or San Francisco State and continue my education there. Since being an engineer is what I have set as my major right now all I have to do is get my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering which requires taking four math courses of calculus, probability and statistics, chemistry I, physics I,II, digital logic, electric circuits I, II, physical electronics, Introduction to Microprocessors, Linear Circuits and systems, Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Electronics I , II, Electromagnetic Fields, Materials Science, Thermodynamics. It sounds really complicated but the money is worth it.
I already have some hands on experience working with electricity and have some people that my family knows that are engineers and know that I have some experience under my belt so it won't be too hard to get an internship.

Dream Job & Company

My dream job is to be an electrical engineer. They do everything to do with electricity and make sure that people get power so they can go on living their lives with ease. Electrical engineers work on everything from microwaves to power grids. It's their job to make sure everything is working perfectly and that there are no shortage of problems. Without them you couldn't turn on your car or light bulb, we wouldn't be able to live the life that we have without them. They literally make the world a brighter place.

I would like to work for General Electrical since it's the world second largest company according to Forbes so I won't have to worry too much about lay offs. You can't go anywhere and not find one person who has never heard or seen the General Electrical logo. It was established by one of our founding fathers, Thomas Edison. It also has 300,000 employees which is a good sign that you can get a job there and keep it.

First Day Experience

My first day in this class I was kind of nervous because I needed the units from this class and I saw a lot of people trying to take it. However I started to feel more relaxed as it went by because she seemed like she wanted to add everyone so it was cool. I really wanted this class because I'm still undecided on what I want to be. I want to know what's out there and how I can get there. Then when we did the ice breaker I thought it was a good activity even though I didn't end up memorizing anyone especially their majors but that was only because I was tired and I did something like that three times in my previous classes, but this class feels looks like it can be fun so I'm liking it.

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